Friday 4 December 2015


Social media is beginning to play an integral role in the way that people both gather and communicate information during emergency situations.As with all methods of communication during emergency events, social media is just one channel that should be used as part of an overall communications platform encompassing multiple tools

Principles for Effectively Using Social Media for Flood Events 

1. Don’t wait for an emergency to get involved in social media:

One of the key principles of effective social media use in emergency situations is recognition that social media communication is founded on relationships, and these are best developed prior to the incident occurring.The strong message-spreading activity evidenced in social media during emergencies can also be
drawn on for preparedness and planning initiatives. Ensuring all preparedness materials are available digitally to enable distribution and sharing through social media channels is a simple but highly effective engagement strategy

2.Use social media as an intelligence tool

One of the most significant potential benefits of using social media for emergency events is that it increases considerably the amount of situational information that is available to emergency management and response agencies. social media communication often  produces accurate situational information, in
advance of official communications.Commentary through social media channels moves rapidly, and often contains information that is ahead of both official agency intelligence channels and traditional news media. 

3. Develop Structured Social Media Monitoring 
A number of well build application should be made in order to tackle the situation.This applications should involve monitoring  statistically damage caused due to disaster and providing immediate relief to the people.
There are two key aspects to the monitoring of social media communication during emergencies- the immediate monitoring that occurs in real time, and the data collection that should occur for detailed review. These two activities have different purposes, but both are equally important in increasing ongoing understanding of the role of social media in emergency management.  

4. Avoid Spreading Rumors
Since social media is easy access to everyone don't use it to spread false messages because it may increase the pressure in the minds of people who are already undergoing mental agony due to the present disaster which may even cause official agencies under pressure. Use the tools to help people as far you can.

Tuesday 1 December 2015


Facebook is one of the social media biggies which is often introducing new mobile apps then and there one in those list is the newly introduced application NOTIFY. The main aim of this application is to deliver notification about the things that matter to you.Sinse everyone has different interest like sports, films, music, shopping, technology etc... you can choose according to your own interest and get notifications pertaining to it

To know more about this app your can click here

Sunday 18 October 2015


google password manager

Do u know google has dedicated password manager to manage your password,  Google’s solution offers a web app, mobile apps, deep integration with Android, and automatic generation of strong passwords.

All the Ways You Can Access Your Passwords

Your saved passwords can be accessed in a variety of ways:
  • Chrome on Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, and Linux: The password manager syncs with the Chrome browser, so it can be used in Google Chrome on any desktop or laptop platform
  • Chrome for Android, iPhone, and iPad: Google Chrome’s mobile apps can also sync your passwords, so you can access them in the Chrome apps on Android, iPhone, and iPad. There’s no Safari integration on iOS — you’ll have to use the Chrome browser app.
  • On the Web: Google offers a web-based interface to your passwords at You can sign in from anywhere with your Google account to access it.
  • On the Mobile Web: This is also a responsive web page, which means you could access it from a smartphone. You could even add the website to your smartphone’s homescreen, copy-pasting passwords from whenever you need to log into an app.
  • In Android Apps: Google recently added a feature named “Smart Lock for Passwords” to nearly all Android devices as part of a Google Play Services update. This feature integrates with Google’s password manager to automatically log you into apps that support it. For example, let’s say you log into Netflix in Chrome on the desktop, and you save that Netflix password in Chrome’s password manager. You can later open Netflix on your Android smartphone or tablet and Android will provide your Netflix credentials to the app, automatically logging you in. This behavior can be disabled or tweaked if you don’t like it.

How to Start Using Google’s Password Manager

To start using Google’s password manager, just use Google Chrome on your desktop, smartphone, or tablet. SIgn into Chrome with your Google account. From Chrome’s Settings, click the “Advanced sync settings” button and ensure Chrome is set to sync passwords.
(Note that, if you choose to encrypt your passwords with “your own sync passphrase”, you won’t be able to access your passwords on the web. Smart Lock for Passwords on Android won’t function, either.)
You should also ensure Chrome is set to offer to save your passwords. From Chrome’s Settings screen, search for “passwords” and ensure “Offer to save your web passwords” is enabled under “Autofill and forms.”
You can also “Enable autofill to fill out web forms in a single click.” This gives you an autofill feature like the one found in popular password managers — it can even automatically fill credit card payment details and your address from information stored in Google Wallet, if you like.
You can later click the “Manage passwords” link here or head to chrome://settings/passwords in Chrome, to access, manage, and view a list of your saved passwords.
To actually save a password, just head to a website and sign in normally. Chrome will ask if you want to save the username and password you used on that website, and you can agree.
The next time you visit the website’s login page, Chrome will automatically fill in your username and password.

Automatically Generate Strong Passwords

Google Chrome also contains a feature that will helpfully generate new, random passwords for you and save them to your vault. Many dedicated password managers — including LastPass, 1Password, and Dashlane — offer this feature.
However, this feature isn’t enabled by default — it’s a hidden flag. Plug chrome://flags into Chrome’s address bar and press Enter to access the list of flags. Locate the “Enable password generation” flag and set it to “Enabled.”
The next time you create a password, Chrome will detect that you’re using an account-creation page and offer to automatically fill and and save a random password for you.
You can also modify other flags that can make the password manager more useful — for example, website developers have the ability to mark certain password fields with a “do not remember” option, which would make Chrome not offer to remember the password. There’s a “Enable force-saving of passwords” flag that will make Chrome ignore this, allowing it to remember any password.

Hope you like this post. Do comment in  the comment box to improve this blog

Saturday 26 September 2015

Touch Screen stopped working after Firmware update

Recently i updated my Android device, from KIT KAT (4.4) to LOLLIPOP(5.0). All features where really good  i liked it, but the irony is that, the new firmware totally betrayed me from  using touch wizard. The touch screen totaly stopped working, I tried all the options and solutions given in various discussion forums like 
  1. Restart as many times as possible
  2. Reboot your system  three times 
  3. Hard Factory Reset
  4. Remove the battery and replace it after some time
  5. Due to dust accumulation it may not work so remove the scratch card
  6. The connection of the touch screen with the motherboard may be  loose so tap the screen at the corners 
I tried all these things but nothing happened, it was still in same condition. But the fortunately  except touch screen everything else worked fine, so i connected mouse or keyboard to the device to perform all tasks
Then i started thinking how the problem might have occurred, when i  bought it as a new device it had jelly bean in it, then i updated with the new versions when ever firmware is available for  my device. But this problem never occurred, only lollipop had made this problem, so i thought there should be some problem in software side that is firmware, so for this only two options either i have to DOWNGRADE the system firmware or UPGRADE it, so that there could be bug free version in either of these

I choose to upgrade it further, i checked for any updates fortunately there was an update for the firmware, i went on with my decision. I was right this time, with the new upgrade the problem is fixed. 

The touch screen wizard started working successfully. 

Thus, the chances of bugs in firmware could be common issue, so do not panic go ahead with the best bug-free updates.

If you have any suggestion or comments regarding this blog you are welcome to say that in the comments . Thank you have a nice day 

Thursday 20 August 2015

can you say whats the gender of your computer

ya this is a going to be  funny. Have you ever though your laptop or a pc is a girl or a boy. Ha ha ha....please hold on before saying to anyone "i love my laptop" very much because you need to make sure whether it is HE or She.

Don't think i am talking something crazy, OK why dont you ask your computer itself to reveal its gender

Do the following steps

1. open the notepad

2.   copy the following the code
      CreateObject("sapi.SpVoice").Speak"i love you"

3.  save it in the filename gender.vbs

4.  Now run the file from the saved location

the voice will reveal whether it is boy or girl

but unfortunately i have a male with me.....

ha ha ha... i hope you will like this post. ok guys, do comment honestly to  me what is your device gender. hope you enjoy this post see you all in the next one.

Tuesday 18 August 2015


Hey guys happy to see you all with this new post.

Actually i was bit  sad a couple of days back. Why you know i just dropped my expensive smart phone on the floor and it developed crack at the bottom right corner and the portion below the crack stopped sensing my touches. Yes i need to replace the screen now. So thinking about this i just got a quest on how these touch screen works. So i started to make a small quick research over the internet on how these gadgets work so that i could get a glimpse of what these technologies are all about, And Actually i got some interesting stuffs which i thought of sharing with you all.

I found that there are two types of touch screen that is been used widely they are
  • Resistive  touch 
  • Capacitive touch


You would have seen these type of screen in railway station, theaters while taking tickets. For basic understanding  let us first separate the layers of the screen which gives a top layer and a bottom layer.

the top layer is the Resistive layer which consist of its own circuits and the bottom layer is known as the conductive layer which has its own circuits. You may have even noticed that while you use these screens, when you touch these screens it may  move inwards. It is because there always exist a gap between the upper layer and the bottom layer and when you touch the screen the top layer may come in contact with the bottom conducting layer so the electricity now got a path way to move and complete its path thus the current completes its path. These signals are sensed by the processor and the corresponding function occurs. One of the disadvantages of these screen is that only one  touch is supported by this technology  in contrast today's devices support multi-touch for which the capacitive touch technology is being is used.


So today all our latest smart phones are not using the former technology, where as it uses another approach of known as capacitive touch technology. Even in this case in order to understand , let us peel of the screen of the smart phones into different layers

So when we separate it, we will able to see 4 different basic layers, the top most one is a protective cover which is made special glass (sand heated to form  aluminosilicate which is  dipped in potassium bath  this rips of the sodium ions from the glass and replaces with the potassium ion). The next  two layers consist of vertically and horizontally lines of  electrodes thinner than human hair  is embedded on the glass material, the top one contains the driving lines and the bottom one contains the sensing lines which senses the electrical signal of the driving lines  both these lines are perpendicular to each other forming a grid like structure. The last layer here is the LCD layer. 

So how does this technology works. You know our human skin contains electrostatically charged particles, so when we touch the screen the charge on our finger is transferred to the screen and tends to make changes to the charge in the grid structure, actually the sensing lines which is said above is connected to the processor of the smart phone these processors can sense the change in the charge at the particular spot where the finger touches and functions accordingly. Finally all over outputs are in our LCD screen which we look and enjoy.

I think you can see the grid lines clearly which appears on the screen when we touch the particular spot, the horizontal and vertical lines are clearly seen, this is a multi-touch experience in a kit kat enables android device .


There are two different new technologies which is used today they are ON SCREEN ans IN SCREEN touch screen. The ON SCREEN technologies is bringing the touch screen technology up to the top layer of the screen. The IN SCREEN technologies is bringing the touch to bottom of the screen. The main advantage of this technology is that you can get a smaller thinner phone and get a colour saturation as the light doesn't need to pass through many layers.


The first touch screen was first introduced in the year 1976

I  think you got a good piece of information regarding our day today handy devices and how it works. hope you enjoyed reading this information.Thank you guys see you in the next post with another interesting information and  Don't forget to comment about this post....  

Sunday 16 August 2015


Among  the tablet series released by  Microsoft manufactured from its hardware division the latest is the SURFACE 3 this laplet (laptop +tablet). This is a upgraded version of the SURFACE PRO 3. The special feature of the tablet is that it is known for it cheap cost ($499) comparing to the former one which was quite costlier($700+). Talking regarding this laplet  combines the features of the windows enabled laptop and a  tablet, very handy to use and its light weight make it more preferable to a laptop. The complete touch screen laplet comes with a pen which makes the job more easier, you can use this pen as a writing and drawing tool. Now the surface tablet can make a tough  competition with the ipad , as the cost has fallen down than what the ipad is. This device comes with windows 8.1 OS which can be upgraded to windows 10. Microsoft claims that this device can  strongly replace the need of a  laptop. As far as the manufacturing is concerned Microsoft is not showing interest to make it in India, but it seems that they are in  talk with the Indian manufacturers and encourages the local manufacturers to build a device which is  Windows enabled. But it is major doubt for all us whether the local made device can maintain its quality equal to that of a Surface 3. Lets wait and see......  

To know more about this tablet you can watch this vedio by clicking the following link: click here

Don't forget to add your comments for this post. see you all in the next post

Starting Now

Hi guys today we do live in a technology filled world where in we need to be updated  to the  latest technology that is buzzing around us. Though this seems to be complicated it is not so. my initiative here is to get started with some of those latest things that's around us. From here on let me start sharing information about all those that comes on my way. thank you guys LETS START.... from now on.